Clone of Welcome to SPEC


  • Power Electronics is the enabling technology for an electrified world, converting electric energy from one form to the other, from a few watts to 100s MW
  • SPEC at UT Austin is a center of excellence with strong industry guidance
    • Educate and train world class students
    • Perform and publish world-class research
    • Design, build, and test first-of-a-kind devices and systems
    • World class facility accessible by industry
    • Technology transfer to industry ‒ Spinout companies
    • Provide advice to the government
    • Educating the public through demonstration and pilot project
  • Industry supports SPEC typically in the following three way
    • Sponsor a SPEC fellowship (typically $60k/per year)
    • Sponsor a contract research with defined milestones and budget
    • Joint proposal to government (NSF, DOE, Arpa-E etc.)

SPEC Student Pengkun Liu's Defense

Jul 2021: SPEC congratulates Pengkun Liu for successfully defending his Ph.D. His thesis title is "Modeling and analysis of paralleled SiC MOSFETs for multi-chip power module". His committee members include Alex Huang, Surya Santoso, Alex Hanson, Robert Hebner, Johan Strydom


SPEC Student Soumik Sen's Defense

Jun 2021: SPEC congratulates Soumik Sen for successfully defending his Ph.D. His thesis title is "Medium Voltage Extreme Fast Charger based on Novel Medium Voltage SiC Power Devices". His committee members include Alex Huang, Alex Hanson, Robert Hebner, Xianyong Feng, Surya Santoso.


Keynote speech at the "Roadmap to Next-Gen EV & AV" Virtual Conference organized by EETimes

Mar 2021: Professor Alex Huang gave a keynote speech today at the "Roadmap to Next-Gen EV & AV" virtual conference organized by EETimes. Dr. Huang's talk is entitled "High Power and High Power Density EV Inverters Based on GaN Power Devices"

SPEC Contact Info


Main Campus: EER 7.874, 2501 Speedway, Austin, TX 78712

Pickle Research Campus: EME Building 133, 10500 Exploration Way, Austin, TX 78758

