10 kV DC/DC Converter Based on 15 kV SiC MOSFETs
Taking advantage of SiC’s substantially improved voltage rating and switching speed when compared with Si IGBT devices, the MVPE research focuses on developing technologies suitable for a wide range of MV power electronics applications. Research areas include medium voltage medium frequency transformer design, ultra-high efficiency soft switched DC/DC and AC/AC converters, advanced converter control and protection. MV converters based on modular multilevel approach is also being researched. Targeted applications include solid state transformer (SST) for the next generation smart grid, MV fast charger, medium voltage solar inverters and medium voltage data center. Applications of medium voltage power electronics to power quality improvement, power flow control, HVDC and FACTS are also conducted by the MVPE group. The MVPE group is well known for its pioneering work in developing a number of medium voltage SST prototypes. Medium voltage and high voltage circuit breakers are also studied by the MVPE group.
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